RubberTank2: Battlefield will be released 1/24/09 hopefully. It will be a large improvement over the original. Unfortunately, I just got a huge amount of ideas for RB2. The good news is it will be an enormous improvement over the original. Bad news is, it will take 2 weeks longer. I'm currently only about 40% finished overall.
Update: 12/30/08
Due to my insanity, the new one will have a storyline, and will not include a quick play mode. It will be just a straight play-through. Your score will be recorded just like the first one and will be added on between the three levels and you can submit it in the end. The gameplay will be strong with 4 types of enemies, and a boss at the end. The first two levels will have more like mini-bosses. Below are some of my Scripts/Ideas to PROVE I'm actually doing something:
We believe you, no need for proof;)
I'm sure it will be a great game.
Sorry about the wait... :( I've just kinda lost some motivation. I've also got school and all that too. Well at least I'll finish it eventually.